Thursday, May 6, 2010

baby cloning !

The world's first cloned baby was born on 26 December, claims the Bahamas-based cloning company Clonaid. But there has been no independent confirmation of the claim.

The girl, named Eve by the cloning team, was said to have been born by Caesarean section at 1155 EST. The birth at an undisclosed location went "very well", said Brigitte Boisselier, president of Clonaid. The company was formed in 1997 by the Raelian cult, which believes people are clones of aliens.

"The baby is very healthy. She is doing fine," Roisselier told a press conference in Hollywood, Florida, on Friday. The seven-pound baby is a clone of a 31-year-old American woman, whose partner is infertile, she said.

Proving that the baby is a clone of another person would be possible by showing that their DNA is identical. Genetic tests on the baby and "mother" will now be carried out and the results will be available "in eight or nine days", Boisselier said.

She told reporters: "You can still go back to your office and treat me as a fraud. You have one week to do that." Boisselier added that Michael Guillen, science editor at ABC News and a former Harvard University mathematician, will carry out the genetic tests.

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